Asegurando Florida desde 1992
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Asegurando nuestra comunidad por más de 20 años!

Nuestro dedicado personal de profesionales en seguros está aquí para asistirlo. Nuestros agentes lo ayudarán a obtener una póliza de seguro de vida para protegerlo, a usted y a sus seres queridos, en el futuro. Estamos dispuestos y calificados en encontrar la póliza que se ajuste a sus necesidades, ya que contamos con un amplio conocimiento de nuestras compañías y del mercado. Nuestro trabajo es ayudarlo a navegar, a través de diferentes opciones, a escoger la mejor póliza y a aclarar cualquier pregunta o inquietud que pueda tener en el transcurso de este proceso.

Hemos servido exitosamente, a cientos de clientes, y tratamos a cada individuo con respeto y compasión. Comprar un seguro puede ser difícil, pero nuestro personal hará el trabajo por usted. Esté tranquilo y sepa que nuestros profesionales en seguros lo respaldarán.

Compañías destacadas

Aflac Logo
Alert Auto Logo
ASI Progressive Logo
Assurance America Logo
Assurant Logo
Bankers Insurance Group Logo
Cigna Logo
Citizens Logo
Cypress Logo
Edison Logo
Florida Peninsula Logo
Foremost Logo
Gainsco Logo
Hagerty Logo
Heritage Logo
Homeowners Choice Logo
Humana Logo
Infinity Logo
Mercury Insurance Logo
National General Logo
Progressive Logo
Safeco Logo
Safepoint Flood Logo
Security First Logo
Southern Oak Logo
Swyfft Logo
The General Logo
Travelers Logo
Universal Property Logo
Wright Flood Logo

Cómo puede ahorrar dinero?

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Qué dicen los clientes

Excellent Agent and Staff hats off!


Great company to work with!

-Freddy K

Best prices in town. Recommended highly!! Great Customer Service.

-Angel Gonzalez

Excellent service. They go over & beyond to help. Very nice and respectfull. I recomend them highly.

-Vanessa M

Excellent customer service Marlen has been my agent for several years. I reccomend her highly.

-Tampa Tony

Marlen and team went above and beyond to fix a problem that my previous insurance company had created. It took several days of phone calls and appointment but Marlen made sure to stay on it until it was resolved. Excellent service.

-Jen G

I have been with Dieguez insurance for a while and recommend them highly. The staff is amazing they go above and beyond.

-Shaynette Pacheco

Honest & compassionate with their client's; Goes above & beyond finding the best results for their clients ;& what a blessed beautiful office & staff she has

-Sierva De Dios Elias

My family and I have been doing business for over 12 years. We have our auto homeowners flood and life insurance. Friendly and professional staff. Recommend them highley.

-Nicolas Espinosa

I have been with this agency for many years and Marlen had done a wonderful job with myself and my family. I recommend this agency highly. I can't thank her enough for all the help that she's given us.

-Julie Morales


Nuestros últimos articulos

Welcome to Our New Website
noviembre 3, 2022

Welcome to Our New Website

Our dedicated staff of insurance professionals are here to assist you in securing a life insurance policy to protect you […]
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